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Monday, September 27, 2004 Study Hall 283:
Had to wake up after three hours of sleep to go to my three hour long, Typography class. We got to start on some new projects which are making brochures for local artists and their work. It should be pretty cool. Here is a link of the artist my partner and I are doing our project on. She has some pretty good artwork. Anywho. Our teacher started lecturing after we worked on our projects for about two hours, and that's when it got really boring, really fast... To combat the urge to fall asleep, I drew on the scraps of my last project. This is what I came up with: Ate lunch after that, took a fifteen minute nap back in my room, then headed out to Japanese class. After that, I was off to the hell I like to call: The Reading of Epic Tales. Not that the epics are hard to read, in fact I rather enjoy them. Here is my favorite quote from the Epic of Gilgamesh: Tablet VI - ( lines 110 - 118 ): "Ishtar shouted back at him-who-is-her-father:
Oh man, the urge to make dead baby jokes right about now is so freakin' strong, but I shall resist. For those of you who have been keeping up with the other posts, yes, we did finish reading the Epic of Gilgamesh a while back, but our teacher keeps making reference to it by comparing each of the texts, just like with everything else, even the epics we haven't read yet, or will never be expected to read...gah... We never do anything in that class, which I've stated in many of my previous posts. The only time it is really important to go to that class is to take a quiz or hand in a paper. The rest of the time we all just sit there and listen to the boring, lengthy lectures. The past few weeks I've decided that this class is a good one to do homework for other classes. So in other words, Classics 283 should properly be renamed to: Study Hall 283...
Thursday, September 23, 2004 Burninator:I walk by this sign everyday going to and from class. I never knew that Strongbad was our Secretary. It always makes me laugh, so I decided to share its goodness with you all. I helped a few of my sorority sisters build a dancing pole in their house. Yes, like the ones at the strip clubs. But ours is built out of PBC pipe instead of brass because we are cheap...heh. It's still not fully operational yet, we still need a few more rubber pads to place on both ends of the pole. So that means, no fancy, hang yourself upside-down tricks...awh. We got a lot of weird looks carrying around a ten-foot PBC pipe throughout Home Depot. We got asked a few times by the employees what we planned to do with it. I just told them that we do our own plumbing. :P Eventually we told them the truth, and many of the male employees were more than willing to help us out with our project, and then admitted to the fact that they really wouldn't mind seeing it put to use...heh. We also made a beer bong, which is moderately sized. I don't think I'll be trying out the beer bong, I'll probably choke or something, but the pole on the other hand...muahahahaha...ahem... I'm also helping them set up a used pool table they got for a really good price. We'll just have to see how the parties go tonight and tomorrow - which I cannot fully attend because I have to work at midnight on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. And since one of the first rules on our contract is immediate expulsion of duties if you show up intoxicated, I won't be doing that. I like my easy job, and I intend to keep it for as long as I can. Eventhough we have to deal with the occasional stupid, annoying person, cop chases and arrests are always fun. :D
Monday, September 20, 2004 Eaten Up:I got back from Camp Kitaki Sunday afternoon and came back with 23 bug bites. I'm pretty sure that three of them are mosquito bites and the rest are from sort of annoying type of black gnat. So basically I have all these little red dots all over my arms where the gnats bit me and they all itch like crazy. The retreat itself was as fun as a mandatory event could be. I got to know the newer girls a little better and learned a ton of new things from all the other members. Didn't really do a whole lot when I got back from camp. I downloaded the "Halo" font (Halo being the X-box game) and created a bunch of posters to invite people in my dorm complex to play at certain times and places. I also created some other posters just fo the heck of it. So basically I had a lot of fun playing with my new Adobe Illustrator CS program, editing pictures and adding text. I really didn't do anything else to the pictures beyond that. Even so, without Bungie's permission, it's technically illegal because everything is copyrighted, but oh well... It's not like I'm trying to piss anyone off by doing it, in fact, I'm clearly promoting it. If you would like to see what I've done, let me know and I can send you something. I'm not going to post it on the web though, because I really don't have the permission to. I'm in Typography class right now, and its really boring as usual. I missed three points off of my last project because of stupid mistakes. Even so, our teacher is cool and she's letting us redo everything to get a better grade since its our first project. At least there's something good about this class... I don't have Japanese class today...awh sad. :( They are taking a field trip to the Kawasaki plant here in Lincoln. I can't go because my Typography class doesn't get over in time to catch a ride there. It's a good thing that the field trip isn't mandatory, but there is no way it would be since the times run over and conflict with other classes. If I didn't have this boring class, and the fact that she is introducing a new project, I would have gone. But I guess it's a good thing in one aspect...I can catch up on lost sleep before I go to my Epic Tales class.
Saturday, September 18, 2004 Boredom:I got really bored working bored I created this: It's funny, I knew about this for quite some time, but never really absorbed it until now. The Gay/Lesbian/Bi community is rather huge here in much so that it's been rated second in the nation, and at one time was the first...until California beat us out...heh. This is also rather interesting and amusing to me because the community is based in a Repuplican state - how did that work out? Working as a Night Clerk you see all walks of life, and lately I've been noticing that there are a ton of gay men that attend my university. Also, after hanging out at the Coffee House a lot, I've noticed the same thing. Well then again, it's a coffee place, so the amount of gay men there really shouldn't be too surprising If I were at a strip club, that would be another story...and the fact that I would even be at a strip club is even more questionable...heh. It's sort of easy to identify men who are gay because they tend to act feminine, now I'm not saying that all men who act feminine are gay, just that it seems to be a common thing that occurs. In fact there are plenty of gay guys out there that act totally "manly." Also, there are even more out there that you would never even guess they were gay based solely on their actions. There are a few guys I met last year whom I never even knew they were gay until they told me...and no, it wasn't because I asked them out or anything...sheesh... Now on the other hand, identifying if a girl is a lesbian seems to be a bit harder for me...I don't know why. You would think that since I'm a girl that I would find it easier to identify something like that, but that's not the case with me. Sometimes material objects such as rainbow pins can be dead give aways, but its still hard to judge based solely on their least for me. Oh well... The Greek Dance was held tonight at P.O. Pears. The party was held outside on the sand volleyball courts. After about five minutes we all noticed that it was extremely hard to dance in the sand (Dancing in the sand = twice as hard as dancing on a floor). Try it out once and you'll know what I'm talking about. All of the older members left early because they were getting hit on by a bunch of guys, and since most of them are practically married anyway, they didn't appreciate that too much. I danced for a while in the sand, up on the podiums, and a few times around the poles - heh. And no, I wasn't drunk, they didn't even serve alcohol at the party, so I have no idea why the university was making such a big deal out of it all. I had to leave early because I had to work at midnight, which I didn't really mind since I got tired from dancing so much in the sand. There was a bus that picked us up at the Student Union and dropped us off at our dorms after the party. The university police followed the bus back to the dorms and watched as we exited the bus to see if any of us were drunk. I guess I passed the test, since all that was served tonight were Coke products. I'm going to be meeting up to leave for our sorority's retreat in about four hours. It's going to be held at Camp Kitaki, which is about 20 miles from Lincoln, or so I've been told. Apparently were going to be staying in a cabin there until Sunday afternoon. I'm still not too sure how I feel about the whole thing, but I guess I'll play along since it's a mandatory event. O_o
Thursday, September 16, 2004 Happy Naked Unicorn Day:Once again kids, the day is upon us. It's been one full year since it was last celebrated...and just like last year, it's still uncertain how this holiday is to be celebrated, we're still figuring that part out. If you can't remember why this holiday was invented, let me refer you to the last post on September 16th, 2003. In other words: click on September 2003 to your right and scroll down to September 16th's post to get the story. I'm just too damn lazy to write about it again, so lazy in fact, that I'm too lazy to even copy-paste what was written onto this post. So if you really want to know, check it out for yourself, if you don't really care then fine, you'll just face the consequences by having bad luck until the day you die. :P So kids, spread the word...let's see if we can someday make this an international holiday. But maybe just Unicorn Day will have to work for now. We'll have to work up to the naked part later...heh. And now, I'll shall post a picture of a horny unicorn: And for those of you who liked that picture, here is one of a unicorn wannabe: comment:
Monday, September 13, 2004 Four Stars:I just finished beating Return to Castle Wolfenstein tonight. The final boss battle wasn't as hard as I thought. I think all the previous boss battles were harder than the last boss...hmm...oh well. Once you finish beating the game, you unlock the original game: Wolfenstein 3D...probably one of the first FPS's ever made... it isn't really that hard at all, after mastering the remake, or re-visit rather. But all in all, I give the game four out of five starts. Maxim gives it five out of five, but I beg to differ. I have a typography project due this Wednesday, and I'm not even close to being done. I think I may have to completely start over...which royally sucks...sigh. Other than that, classes have been alright. I just found out tonight from my mom that Megan's dad had a heart attack and is in the hospital. :( Apparently he still hasn't woken up...double :( My prayers are with your dad Megan...I'm so sorry.
Friday, September 10, 2004 Stand Up:Well, looks like blogger is letting me post now. As you can see, it hasn't been letting me post for the past couple of days now...sigh. I'm sitting in Harper computer lab waiting for my Night Clerk shift to start. I wonder how many drunk people will be arrested tonight. Rachel's prediction based on previous Fridays: three. And that's not necessarily three seperate parties, just three individuals. Last night some kid got arrested in the dorms and called his friends to bail him out so that he could go to another party... O_o...some people never learn...or are incredibly stupid, and should never be allowed to breed. I originally came over here to play some Halo with people, but they aren't even in their in other words, I got stood up. It isn't the first time. I've been posting on Gaia a lot more lately. I guess I have Steve to thank for that addiction...*shakes fist at Steve* Words of Wisdom (or so I'd like to think): Don't join Gaia unless you want to have another addiction. :P
Wednesday, September 08, 2004 Freak Out:Blogger is freaking's not letting me publish my last post. Grr. Bebop Tribute: School is alright so far. I'm doing really well in my Japanese class. I only missed one point on the test last week :D. But I guess I shouldn't speak too soon. *Knocks on a piece of nearby wood* I'm a little lost as to what is exactly going on in my Typography class, but I guess that's a given, since I walked into the class a lot later than the rest of my classmates...I think. I just bought Return to Castle Wolfenstein yesterday and have been playing it almost non-stop. The exceptions are, but not limited to: sleeping, going to class, playing Halo at Tyler's house, going to Taekwondo lessons, and then finishing off the night with a classic Mystery Science Theatre 3000 parody of Jack Frost (which so happens to be my favorite MST3K parody). So yeah, that was basically my day in a nutshell, give or take a few play sessions of the game between them all...and now I need to do the homework I've been neglecting... But wait! There's more! And if you act now, I'll give you an extra paragraph to read - for FREE! Did I ever tell any of you that I lost my Cowboy Bebop Movie DVD? Well, I didn't lose it, I know I lent it out to someone. It turns out that I did, and I got it back...yay! Tis one of the sehxyiest movies EVAR! As it turns out I was reading Wentworth's blog and discovered an appropriate quiz for such an event as this. I give you: Your Cowboy Bebop Theme Song: Well, I'm not giving it to you, the person/people who created this quiz is/are. Anywho... What's Your Cowboy Bebop Theme Song?
Wednesday, September 01, 2004 Dude Where's My Override?:It's been pretty hectic lately with all the sorority events. I've been missing out on a lot of other things because of it, like a Halo tournament and a concert for instance, but I guess that's just how things are. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, I went into the sorority knowning full-well that it would consume a part of my time, especially during the recruitment process. It's uncertain how many with actually accept our bids and join, but I think we will have a big joining group. I love all my classes so far, especially Japanese. It is a little confusing at times, but my teacher is extremely nice and helpful, so that makes things a lot easier. We play lots of games that help us to learn Japanese and also watch a few videos that are very interesting. I knew who my Roman Art History professor was going to be, and I joined that class for this specific reason...eventhough he is the only teacher who is teaching the class. But even so, if there was another teacher who was teaching the same class, I would have chosen in the same manner. I'm not really sure if my Epic Tales class is really a Classics course. For about twenty minutes my professor went on a rabbit's trail telling the class the importance of beer fermentation. After checking my schedule, my thoughts were confirmed, I was indeed in the correct classroom. A few days ago the professor asked the class, "Can someone give me an example of agriculture found in the Epic of Gilgamesh?", and soon after a boy replied, "Sheep." --- I couldn't contain my laughter, and the professor was nearly containing his. I just sat there imagining little sheep popping out from the ground, and then saying, "Baa." I guess I'm just nit-picky about this subject because I'm an Anthropology major, and after studying all the different types and methods of agriculture and pastoralism, it just seemed really funny to me...oh well. My Taekwondo class is still the same as ever, really cool and really fun. Hopefully by the end of this semester I will have my blue belt...I hope. Originally, I planned to get an override into the first basic graphic design course. I put my name on a waiting list last semester, and they said they would call me...they never called. So I went to the Art Department office and they told me to go to the first day of class and ask the teacher about I did. The teacher said my name wasn't even on the list...dude wtf? The class was already completely full, and no more overrides could be written due to the fact that there are only a limited number of computers to work on in the classroom...crap. So I waited around for a few days to see if there was any change. I later found an opening in another class, Typography (a.k.a Fonts 101). Yes, as exciting as this sounds they actually have a class for it. If it were me I would offer more basic graphic design courses, because there are many students who need/want to take that class, especially now, as graphic design is becoming an important job in this day and age. But then again, that would be the smart thing to do. So yeah, it's been a crazy start-off, but hopefully things will calm down after recruitment stuff is over...I hope...
The Dego Diva: Date Of Birth: May 24th, 1984 Old Stuff: November 2002 Extended Suff:
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