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Saturday, May 05, 2007 Help Me:Well I'm back from falling off the face of the planet...for the time being. School is out and finals are over. Now I can look forward to a summer filled with gaming and more working. Maybe I'll actually get around to finishing games I started awhile back and start playing the games I bought, but never had time to play. I could also get to work on obtaining more achievements for my Xbox 360 games, which are very addicting for some reason. I haven't bought any new games recently, I've just been trying to play the ones I already have. Mainly I've been playing a lot of World of Warcraft, and somewhat feel ashamed as to how many hours I put into it. I started a new character on Crushridge and Scilla so that I could play with my friends on one server and my clan-mates on the other (see the complete list at the bottom of this post). I don't know if I'm ready to completely switch divisions though, I'm still better at Halo 2 than I'll ever be at W.o.W. What I'm wondering is what will happen to the Halo 2 division of the clan when Halo 3 is released. Since all of the clan matches have been removed from matchmaking, will the clan system even be incorporated into Halo 3? I guess only time will tell. My Xbox 360 hasn't been played all that much except for Halo 2 practices and the less than frequent Guitar Hero II. Speaking of, I had my dad (who isn't the best at video games, but plays guitar exceptionally well) play Guitar Hero II, and he adapted to it faster than I thought. The funniest thing though was when he said that playing real guitar was easier while playing the game. And in some instances, he may be right. I recently bought my plane tickets to Washington so that I can go to PAX. The best thing about it was that they were only $200! I had to get my flight out of Wichita since I'll be going to graduate college there in the Fall. I need to write my acceptance letter very soon, as in this week. If anyone has any tips on how to write them, let me know A.S.A.P! And here is a complete list of the servers and characters I play on: Burning Blade - (PvP) Clymene - 52 Tauren Warrior Maruushi - 35 Tauren Druid Kariosuru - 18 Tauren Hunter Demonestra - 17 Blood Elf Warlock Belrogg - 15 Orc Shaman Proudmoore - (Normal) Mayfie - 30 Human Paladin Amaei - 22 Draenei Shaman Crushridge - (PvP) Betrayess - 26 Blood Elf Hunter Scilla - (PvP) Amaei - 20 Draenei Mage Shimshamy - 10 Draenei Shaman P.S. Help me.
The Dego Diva: Date Of Birth: May 24th, 1984 Old Stuff: November 2002 Extended Suff:
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